My Cat Won’T Let Me Put Flea Medicine On Her

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My Cat Won’t Let Me Put Flea Medicine on Her: A Feline Flea Conundrum

The bond I share with my furry companion, Mittens, is unbreakable. However, our seemingly idyllic relationship hits a snag when it’s time to administer her monthly flea medicine. Every month, I transform into a stealthy feline wrangler, trying to outmaneuver Mittens and apply the dreaded drops between her shoulder blades.

But Mittens is no ordinary cat; she possesses a ninja-like agility and a sixth sense for when I’m about to violate her personal space. Our flea medicine battles have become a ritual of sorts, filled with catnip-induced distractions, swift evasive maneuvers, and the occasional hissing. It’s a battle of wills, and Mittens has proven to be a formidable adversary.

Feline Flea Resistance: A Stubborn Obstacle

Understanding Mittens’ resistance requires delving into the feline psyche. Cats, being creatures of habit and routine, can be averse to changes in their environment. The sudden intrusion of a syringe-wielding human and the unfamiliar scent of flea medicine can trigger a defensive response.

Furthermore, cats possess a highly sensitive sense of smell. The strong odor of flea medicine can be overwhelming and unpleasant to their noses. This olfactory aversion can make the application process even more challenging, as the scent alone can send them running for cover.

Addressing the Feline Flea Dilemma

Conquering Mittens’ flea aversion requires a strategic combination of patience, stealth, and feline psychology. Here are some expert-approved tips to help you administer flea medicine with minimal feline resistance:

  • Create a Calming Environment: Cats are more likely to cooperate when they feel relaxed and secure. Create a calm atmosphere by using calming pheromone diffusers, playing soothing music, or providing a cozy retreat for your cat.
  • Establish a Positive Routine: Associate the flea medicine application with something positive, such as a treat or a special playtime. Over time, your cat will learn to associate the experience with something enjoyable, making them more willing to cooperate.
  • Distract and Divert: Use catnip or a favorite toy to distract your cat while you swiftly apply the medicine. The distraction will keep their attention away from the syringe and help you complete the process more easily.

Common FAQs on Feline Flea Medicine

  1. Q: Is it okay to skip a flea medicine application?
    A: No, it’s crucial to follow the recommended treatment schedule to ensure effective flea control and prevent flea infestations.
  2. Q: Can I use human flea medicine on my cat?
    A: No, human flea medicine contains ingredients that are toxic to cats. Always use flea medicine specifically designed for cats.
  3. Q: What if my cat gets the flea medicine on its fur?
    A: Wipe off any excess medicine immediately with a damp cloth. The medicine should be applied only to the skin between the shoulder blades.


While administering flea medicine to a resistant cat can be a challenge, with patience and strategic maneuvering, it’s possible to achieve a flea-free feline companion. Remember to approach the process with understanding and use the tips outlined above. Your cat may never love the flea medicine, but with a little teamwork and a dash of feline psychology, you can ensure they’re protected from these pesky parasites.

Would you like to know more about flea medicine for cats? Share your questions and experiences in the comments below!

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My Cat Won’t Eat Or Drink What Can I Do Jan 25, 2024My cat won’t let me put flea medicine on her no matter what tricks I try. Applying flea preventative treatment is an unfortunately adversarial process with some cats. They dislike the smell and sensation of the medicine so much that they will fight and hide to avoid it. Outsmarting an unwilling cat to provide proper flea control often