Bg3 Should I Give The Stones To The Emperor

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BG3: Should I Give the Stones to the Emperor?

In the vast world of Baldur’s Gate 3, a pivotal decision awaits us: whether to surrender the mysterious Shadowcursed Stones to the tyrannical Emperor Ketheric Thorm. This choice has far-reaching consequences for our companions, the realm of Faerûn, and the very balance of power. Join us as we delve into the complexities of this dilemma, exploring its implications and offering sage advice to guide your path.

As we journey through the war-torn lands of Faerûn, we encounter the enigmatic Shadowcursed Stones, imbued with both immense power and sinister darkness. These stones have captivated the attention of the ruthless Emperor Ketheric Thorm, who desires their possession for his own nefarious ends. The choice of whether to surrender them to him is one that weighs heavily upon us, with no easy answers.

The Emperor’s Designs

Emperor Ketheric Thorm is a cunning and ambitious ruler, seeking to expand his iron grip over Faerûn. His thirst for power knows no bounds, and the Shadowcursed Stones represent a formidable addition to his arsenal. Should we surrender them, we risk empowering a despot who will use them to further his oppressive agenda.

However, withholding the stones may also have dire consequences. Thorm’s retaliation could be swift and brutal, unleashing untold chaos upon the realm. Moreover, the stones themselves hold a dangerous allure, their potential for both good and evil yet unknown. Leaving them in our possession could tempt us to succumb to their dark influence.

The Stones’ Nature

The Shadowcursed Stones are not merely inert objects; they are imbued with a sentient consciousness that can influence both their wielder and the surrounding environment. Their presence can draw upon our darkest fears, magnifying them into an overwhelming force. Yet, they also possess the potential to unleash extraordinary abilities, providing us with the power to challenge even the mightiest of foes.

Understanding the true nature of the stones is paramount to making an informed decision. By delving into historical texts and consulting with wise sages, we gain invaluable insights into their origins and their potential impact. This knowledge empowers us to wield the stones responsibly or to seek alternative paths that minimize their perilous influence.

Expert Advice

In navigating this treacherous choice, it is prudent to seek the counsel of those who have encountered the Shadowcursed Stones before us. Adventurers, scholars, and even former acolytes of Emperor Thorm have shared their experiences and insights, shedding light on the intricacies of this dilemma.

One such expert, the enigmatic mage Eldrin, advises that the stones should be shattered, their power dispersed before they can wreak havoc upon the world. Others, such as the cunning thief Isolde, suggest using the stones sparingly, leveraging their might to achieve noble ends while mitigating their corrupting influence.


  • Q: What is the best way to use the Shadowcursed Stones?
  • A: The optimal use of the stones depends on your character’s alignment and goals. If you seek power, they can become formidable weapons. If you pursue a more virtuous path, they can be utilized sparingly for the greater good.
  • Q: What are the risks of surrendering the stones to Emperor Thorm?
  • A: By doing so, you potentially empower a tyrannical ruler whose ambitions will wreak havoc upon Faerûn. Thorm’s retribution upon those who oppose him is swift and merciless.
  • Q: Is it possible to destroy the Shadowcursed Stones?
  • A: Rumors persist of ancient rituals and arcane knowledge capable of shattering the stones, but their veracity remains unconfirmed. Seek the guidance of wise sages and delve into forgotten texts to uncover the truth.


The decision of whether to give the Shadowcursed Stones to Emperor Ketheric Thorm is a momentous one, fraught with moral implications and far-reaching consequences. By carefully considering the perspectives outlined in this article, you will be better equipped to make a choice that is informed and aligns with your own values. Are you prepared to wield the stones’ power, to risk their allure, or to find an alternative path free from their treacherous embrace?

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